
May 21, 2015, 10:03AM

Someone Said Something to Someone Else

They have to talk.

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Someone is efficient, practical and thorough. Someone else is amorphous, floating and barely there. Someone takes the time to explain. Without destruction, someone else set the letter on fire (the forever blaze). 

Someone calculated. Someone else smiled by accident. Someone wrote a comprehensive lesson plan. Someone else transformed life into an apprenticeship. Someone can build a foundation. Someone else can annihilate the universe in order to create a galaxy. 

Someone can have sex. Someone else can share the best. Someone can take a punch without even flinching or falling down. Someone else can diffuse the conflict. Someone's spirit can die. Someone else will complain. Someone can live without peripheral vision. Someone else can laugh. Someone will be clearly motivated. Someone else will be happy. Someone wears armor when they leave. Someone else is gifted with a strong awareness of limitation. Someone's decision is final. Someone else is the deal breaker. Someone cleans up when they're done. Someone else knows no beginning or end.

Someone settles in. Someone else makes a substantial donation on behalf of embryonic invisibility.

Sometimes someone has to talk with someone else. Sometimes these two just can't find any common ground... and yet, just for the heck of it, they still try to talk one another...

Someone: There's no reason to buy this. There's no reason to take advantage of our extended warranty. There's nothing that will speed up the process. There's no one waiting at all hours to serve you whenever there might be a problem. You can't make any returns. If you want it we don't have it.

Someone Else: An infinite propeller is electrifying the charred conclusions strewn haphazardly all over your face.

S: The terms and conditions of this agreement are non-binding; you may discontinue service at any time. Should you choose to cancel subscription, please make sure to abstain from giving any notice. An alert regarding any such decision (or anything related to the decision) can be made only at the last minute; consideration will not be recognized or encouraged under any circumstances. The non-existence of trust will be maintained in perpetuity by the company, its subsidiaries, miscellaneous affiliates, contractors, shareholders, and/or benefactors. 

SE: One dapper zombie performs its passionate oration before a journey into beer. This zombie's speech was written by a blood thirsty astronaut from Utopia. This is the globalized camel dream. Grunts and sighs emanate from within a sonic mist as one foot drops... and then another...

S: If you have any additional questions about this we will not acknowledge them, not even if you pay us. There's only one sure thing here: you and your people are really in for it now.

SE: Potions coarsing, pulsating, reacting to a sentient urge which can speak through outbursts that will stay psychic long after enchantment's mock demise. For the headless demon, echo's cluster is more than a step in the right direction. It's an extemporaneous powder puff hopped up on ravage-romping dare sprees and egg warmth.

Note: most people ignore the things that make someone different from someone else because they're usually preoccupied by the many complex elements of your extended care.


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