
Moving Pictures
Jul 03, 2008, 10:29AM

Wanted: A Better Movie

Despite the presence of Angelina Jolie, hyper-stylized gun battles, and speeding muscle cars, the new movie Wanted doesn't do enough to excite this reviewer. Perhaps that's because, as exciting as all that crap is, it's kind of been done before.

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Angelina...is she hotter when she can kill you?

While "Wanted" is an exciting special effects extravaganza, it is far too derivative of other works to be considered a true achievement on any level. From the plot, to the action sequences, to the very characters themselves - there is nothing new to be found here.

While new interpretations of the hero's journey are certainly valid, there is not enough unique material here to warrant such an exercise. The story does take an unexpected turn here and there, but for the most part it serves as a by-the-numbers action film with your standard fare of fight and chase sequences.

The car chase highlighted in the film's advertising campaign is straight out of "Batman Begins," featuring many of the same stunts and locations. Even further, the climactic showdown at the fraternity's headquarters is extremely reminiscent of the final confrontation of hero and villain in "Equilibrium." The originality, or lack thereof, of characters is no better.

The differences between Jolie's Fox and her previous roles in "Tomb Raider" and "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" are marginal and Morgan Freeman is once again the wise mentor with a streak of sarcasm. While McAvoy's Gibson is the standout performance, his entire character arc is of the rather predictable "zero to hero" mold.

  • "...the death, destruction and gore is often just too gratuitous for anyone's taste." Violence and gore can only be not gratuitous enough!

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