
Pop Culture
Aug 22, 2008, 07:55AM

Save Our Seas

In this over-marketed world it's easy to be skeptical of virtually every advertisement you lay your eyes on. But it's important not to forget that there are some very talented and creative people working in the advertising industry, and every one in awhile they come up with something that approaches art. From Copyranter, the biggest ad grinch of all, comes an appreciative look at well-executed ads for Greenpeace.

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My first reaction to any and all advertising I see is to take out my big fucking Rambo: First Blood knife and stab it until it's a bloody pulpy dead mess. But these ads for Greenpeace urging people to sign an online petition to save our seas made me want stab chemical company CEOs and other polluters. The wonderful colored-pencil sculptures of underwater life are by South African artist Jennifer Maestre. Now, just like some of the dimwits at AdsOfTheWorld, a little voice in my head said, "but you don't sign petitions with colored pencils." True. But then I stabbed myself in the head—because sometimes, it's OK to not be so literal. Some others complained that this advertising is a waste of trees. Which is just fucking stupid. Anyway, the ads inspired me to go online and sign. Which probably won't do a thing to save our seas. So it goes. After the jump, take a gander at two more executions in this gorgeous campaign.


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