
Politics & Media
Jul 08, 2008, 12:34PM

"Sounding Black" Costs You Money

New research indicates that people who "sound black" earn about 10% less than those who "sound white." Interestingly, about the same gap exists for people who "sound southern." So get cracking on those accents everyone.

Fascinating new research by my University of Chicago colleague, Jeffrey Grogger, compares the wages of people who “sound black” when they talk to those who do not.

His main finding: blacks who “sound black” earn salaries that are 10 percent lower than blacks who do not “sound black,” even after controlling for measures of intelligence, experience in the work force, and other factors that influence how much people earn. (For what it is worth, whites who “sound black” earn 6 percent lower than other whites.)

How does Grogger know who “sounds black?” As part of a large longitudinal study called the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, follow-up validation interviews were conducted over the phone and recorded.

(It turns out you don’t want to sound southern, either. Although pretty imprecisely estimated, it is almost as bad for your wages to sound southern as it is to sound black, even controlling for whether you live in the south.)

  • James Earl Jone and Barry O do sound black. I am not referring to using ebonics or hip hop slang, gut rather the "timbre",of the voice. My very good black friends tell me they can always "tell" a white voice.

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