
Politics & Media
May 09, 2008, 07:02AM

Mrs. Clinton, I'm Sorry But You're Going To Have To Leave

Hillary Clinton has a better chance of winning the lottery than winning the Democratic nomination. Here a party partisan point out that her continued presence in the election shows us that her personal ambition far exceeds her concern for her party.

A politician of the American variety should try to temper his or her desire for personal power with an issue-by-issue calculation. It is not partisan to yield one’s imagined path in the interest of political savvy; Clinton claims to dislike nearly all McCain stands for, yet she continually undermines the Democratic Party’s chance at the White House.

Pundits have long noted that Clinton’s chances are dismal at best. They have even conjectured that she is ruining the Democratic Party’s chances in the general election. After Tuesday, Clinton would be hard-pressed to defend herself.

She won a state rich with white, rural voters (her best bet and Obama’s worst) by less than 2 percent, losing twice as many delegates as she gained in the same night.

Clinton is sure to continue making cries of “Full speed ahead!” – but that doesn’t mean she’s going anywhere. Her empty promises and pledges to support party nominees are hypocritical and pathetic.


  • i think obama and clinton hate each other to the extent that he wouldn't dream of having her as a running mate, and she will endorse McCain.

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  • I don't think Clinton will endorse McCain. Right now she's earned the grudging respect of democrats as a tough campaigner. Although not necessarily the most sympathetic politician these days, endorsing McCain would be absolute career suicide, and she's too ambitious to sink her own ship just for the sake of hurting Obama. I think the biggest reason she's still fighting is ego, not anything personal against Obama.

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