
Oct 29, 2008, 05:48AM

Attack Ad Culture

Politics isn't the only forum where negative ads, like those oh-so recognizeable PC/Mac ads, are on the upswing.

If it works, it works. Right?:

Perhaps it's the tight economy and the idea that the way to grow in a recession is at the expense of your rivals; maybe the presidential candidates have set the tone for TV advertising; or it could be the influence of those masterful and highly effective Mac vs. PC spots. Whatever the reasons, comparative ads -- some of them pretty aggressive -- are all the rage.

First there were the Dyson vs. Hoover ads, the Miller Lite vs. Bud Light spots (remember the Dalmatian leaping off a truck?) and Huggies vs. Pampers (delivering a literal brickbat with a spot showing a mom diapering a brick).

Now Time Warner has said it will go after Verizon in its new campaign, serving a counterpunch to its rival's claim that Fios internet service is "10 times faster than cable." In a seeming homage to the Apple ads, the Fios spots feature its installer humorously interacting with a hapless cable installer.


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