
Pop Culture
Feb 17, 2009, 07:41AM

F*** my life

"Today, I had sex for the first time with a guy. After he passionately made love to me, I turned to him and said 'you smell really good.' He turned to me and said 'You don't.' FML"


Today, I told my mom I want to try out for American Idol. She responded with, "You don't take disappointment well." FML

Today, I made a couple videos of me playing guitar and singing some of my favorite songs. I arrived back from school to find my family huddled around the cam-corder laughing, imitating, and making jokes about the video. FML

Today, I made a couple videos of me playing guitar and singing some of my favorite songs. I arrived back from school to find my family huddled around the cam-corder laughing, imitating, and making jokes about the video. FML

It goes on and on.


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