
Politics & Media
Sep 04, 2008, 09:04AM

"My aides do everything for me" vs. "Facebook is a viable governing tool"

Two columnists go head to head over McCain's admitted ignorance of the Internet. Who will emerge victorious? Time (and Twitter) will tell.

The same people who claim that the use of e-mail is a prerequisite for having a good technology are the same who claim that Barack Obama is perfectly capable of developing a good foreign policy despite his lack of military and foreign policy experience.

There is clearly a double standard here.

A president doesn't need the ability or willingness to use the Internet in order to understand what the Internet means to America, because a president has countless aides and advisors to do things such as that. In short, it isn't the president's job to get information for himself. And if a president would rather use memos than e-mails to communicate with his staff, so be it. A president has no need to use the Internet in an official capacity. Plus, what actual information could he access from Google that he couldn't get elsewhere? My professors always warn us about the potentially dubious nature of Internet sources and strongly encourage us to forgo them altogether. It would seem that a president would have more reliable information sources.

The problem for McCain is that the will of the American people often has little to do with logical arguments. At the end of the day, many voters simply want to support someone who looks, acts and in short, seems like them. That's one reason it's taken more than two centuries for any major party to nominate a non-White candidate for president and why so many people, White and black alike, voted strictly along racial lines in this ground-breaking election season.

The rationale -- someone who seems like me can better relate to me about the struggles I go through. Whether those struggles take the form of political issues or not becomes a mute point.


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