
Jul 23, 2009, 07:28AM

Erin Andrews' nude tape

"Why are women still being treated like this?"

Twice in the last month, readers who were unhappy with my posts on another web site went out of their way to email and tell me that I was ugly.The first time I responded by joking that I didn’t like my picture, either. The second time, I wrote the emailer that I didn’t deserve the cheap shot, to which he (or she) responded, “If you don’t want comments about your appearance, take down your picture. Nobody would care what you look like if you didn’t put yourself out there like that.”I was reminded of that when I read about Erin Andrews, the beautiful ESPN reporter whose privacy was violated recently when a peeping tom videotaped her while she was naked in a hotel room. The video wound up on the internet and now her attorney is t rying to find the culprit while threatening those who post it.


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