
Dec 28, 2009, 04:34AM

2009's sexiest geeks

Those are some fairly unattractive people actually.

Better late than unsexy; this year’s nerd lust list is being posted a few days after the traditional date, yet more carefully considered than usual and hotter than your MacBook Pro’s thigh-burning battery. Why more carefully considered? For one, there are more sexy geeks than ever and the research and nominations were of more volume than any previous year. Secondly, with the mainstreaming of many social media services beyond the realms of actual card-carrying technophiles, there are more celebrity posers than ever, boasting numbers and fans but with zero geek cred other than notoriety and access. Undeserved fame and Photoshop does not a sexy geek make. But wow — shout it high and Tweet it far; this year’s sexy geeks are the finest combination of delicious nerdiness, fire, mischevousness and yumminess on offer. Thank you, everyone, on all channels (like Twitter), for all of your nominations. You won’t see these sexy smarties in tired old mainstream media magazine/website hot lists *because they’re actually hot* and that’s worth the price of admission alone. And again: this list contains people we know, and some snacky people who might have partners — it is all in fun, respect, admiration, and the love of sexy geeks.


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