
Pop Culture
Jul 28, 2008, 08:07AM

My Poster Is My Life

In the relatively short cultural shelf-life of Vice magazine the quality of freshman dorm wall expression has declined noticeably. Here's an analysis of the trends in overpriced poster buying, since only psychotics live with plain cinder block walls.

Dorm1.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Einstein Tongue – This used to be a way for nerds to tell the jocks I may be into something you don’t understand, like math or physics, but that doesn’t mean I can’t party.

Belushi “College” poster – And then the nerds started going, you know what? I’m not really that into math anyway. Let’s just enjoy ourselves here.

Chugging Belushi– And now nerds are jocks (and vice versa).


Bob Marley – In 300 years when we’ve all interbred ourselves gray and have solar panels mounted on our scalps that double as UV umbrellas, I guarantee there will still be at least one smug asshole with a camping chair in every dorm who busts out the old acoustic guitar whenever girls are over and has this pensive mug above his bed. I will bet you five dollars.


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