
Politics & Media
Aug 11, 2008, 05:22AM

Time To Step It Up

John McCain compared Barack Obama to Paris Hilton, generating a smokescreen of controversy that's obscured something more significant: McCain is catching up. Now that he's facing a real challenge, it's time for Obama to roll up the sleeves and start punching back.

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Since Barack's epic primary battle, politics has been pretty stale. But last week provided some much needed water cooler talk to quench everybody's thirst. For starters, there was more evidence surrounding Sen. John Edwards' baby scandal.

The self-described "son of a mill worker" is avoiding the media by darting out of hotels and hiding in bathrooms while his wife battles cancer. What's he hiding? Hopefully this scandal won't overshadow the conventions.

But if Sen. Edwards doesn't, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Moses might. John McCain's latest ads compare Obama to the pop stars and biblical prophet, asking, "Is he ready to lead?" Obama's campaign responded, labeling the ads as typical Republican strategy. "Oops! He did it again," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

You can't blame John McCain for last week. He's fighting for his political life. Even the Clintons couldn't steal the press from Obama.

But it looks like McCain's camp cracked the code. McCain caught up in the polls after the ads, and now trails by just three percentage points nationally, CNN reported. And in swing states like Florida and Ohio, Obama lost his lead and is statistically tied.

Many Americans drank the Obama Kool-Aid, savoring each sip of hope and change. But now they're hungry.

This country is worth fighting for, Obama, not just talking about.


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