
Politics & Media
Oct 17, 2023, 06:25AM

The GOP’s Public Relations Problem

Hash it out, but then elect Jim Jordan.

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When noxious individuals like Late Show host Stephen Colbert are giving you the horselaugh, and the moronically-smug Jimmy Kimmel is relishing the aura of disfunction—you’ve become the butt of low-rated “comics” and dismissible jokes.

When conservative commentators like Mark Levin and Dick Morris passionately share the opinion that the vacant Speakership debacle is a public relations disaster that threatens what looks like auspicious prospects for the GOP in 2024, there’s a real problem.

Most potential swing voters of any party affiliation who might pull the lever for the Republican Party next year don’t follow or necessarily care about Congressional inside baseball. They only see the rift, don’t fully grasp the difference between MAGA Republicans and candidates in more moderate districts who could lose their seats if their votes help award the speakership to an unapologetic Trumpian like Jim Jordan.

I’ve favored Jordan as prospective speaker since sometime during the middle of President Trump’s term in office, when the Ohio congressman rose to prominence giving the left Truman-esque hell on the House floor. A confluence of stars aligning to put Trump back in the Oval Office with Jordan holding the speaker gavel would signify that undistilled conservative ideology and policymaking had reached the pinnacle of national leadership.

While abandoning Kevin McCarthy to the graveyard of speakers and senate majority leaders who went along to get along in the hopes of eking out limited policy gains, Trump has heralded the impasse as a pit stop on the road to victory, and Jordan’s potential ascendance as the best possible outcome.

The axiom that Democrats unite and Republicans fight is in heavy rotation now, and the left is desperately spotlighting GOP division in hopes of diverting attention away from failures and complicities on everything from Covid to Afghanistan, to alleged Biden corruption, the alarming Iran deal, high crime, and a border crisis that even left-leaning pundits speculate might be the issue retrospectively cited as chief cause of 2024’s Democrat defeat.

The GOP must hash this divide in governmental vision out, but not for much longer. We need a speaker. In a perfect world for Trump’s prospects, and for the America First movement, House Republicans will put aside their differences and vote this week to make Jim Jordan that speaker.


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