
Politics & Media
Nov 11, 2008, 05:42AM

Different magicians, same tricks

"There was a time when the loudest defense of Creation came from progressive Democrats ... "

Worth keeping in mind:

Modern creationism, in most any form, is still concerned with moral decay. While Christianity is a majority religion, fundamentalists make themselves believe they are a persecuted minority, a small group of "real" Christians that have not been poisoned by "the World." The evil influence of evolution, while cited as the cause of nearly every atrocity you can name, is not so much tied to modern international conflict as to the perceived backward state of society. It does not matter that homosexuality, theft, murder, abortion, etc. existed long before 1859; for creationists evolution is the root cause of every evil either directly or indirectly.

The important thing to remember about all this, though, is that there is not one creationist archetype that all fundamentalists can be lumped into. While similar in spirit, the fundamentalists opposed to evolution in the 1920's were very different than hardcore conservatives we are familiar with today. We should be careful not to let the current aspects of the culture war blind us to what actually occurred. It is all too easy to twist events for our own ends and make a monster out of history.


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