
On Campus
Aug 01, 2008, 05:29AM

Seriously, Don't Be An Asshole

As college campuses across the country prepare for their annual fall invasion of wide-eyed 18 year olds, one helpful veteran of higher education lays down a few tips for freshman.

1. On the first day of class, talk to the person next to you.

The auditorium-style classes can be a bit intimidating, but remember: Everyone is in the same boat. Try to get a phone number or two - it will come in handy if you ever sleep in and miss class. You might also make a new friend.

10. Be physically active and eat well.

Whether you choose to work out at the Student Recreation Center, organize a weekly game of basketball with friends or toss around a Frisbee on the Mall, it's important to stay active. It will help you with your studies. Eating well is equally important. Try to stay away from fast food - it's quick and easy but makes the body and mind sluggish.

11. Stay away from credit cards.

Credit card companies prey on college students. Don't dig yourself into a financial hole.

4. Don't be an asshole.

Seriously, don't be a jerk. Pretty self-explanatory.


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