
On Campus
Jul 22, 2008, 05:12AM

Eucharist Senatorial Scandal

A University of Central Florida student senator was recently impeached after an altercation involving the Catholic Church. Webster Cook attempted to pocket a Eucharist after taking communion and was nabbed by an onlooker. Apparently stealing the body of Christ is frowned upon in church.

U. Central Florida's student government association impeached student senator Webster Cook Thursday in a 33-2-0 vote after allegations he was involved in an altercation at a Catholic Mass on campus.

The vote signals the start of a two to four-week investigation by the Legislative, Judicial and Rules Committee. After the investigation, the Senate will hold another meeting and vote whether or not to remove Cook from his elected position. 

Webster Cook, along with a friend, went to a Catholic Campus Ministry Mass on June 29. During the Mass, Cook had an altercation with various members of the organization after he pocketed a Eucharist, which is against Catholic tradition.

Cook ended up leaving the Mass with the Eucharist. He said he was holding it until he got an apology for being grabbed by his elbows and told he had to return it. During his time holding the Eucharist as collateral, Cook said he received threats after the story gained national attention. A week after taking the Eucharist, he returned it without getting an apology.




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