
Jun 23, 2009, 11:19AM

We take this very seriously at Splice Today

"Creative Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery."

In other words... Why work?

As always, the Simpsons explains it all.

Welcome to CLAWS at whywork.org. We're a pro-leisure and anti-wage-slavery group of people dedicated to exploring the question: why work? This site provides information, support, and resources for those looking for alternatives to traditional employment.
We actively promote alternatives to the wage slavery mindset and what we call "The Cult of the Job" which automatically equates having a job with making a living.
If you start asking yourself "why work?" you may see a connection between wage slavery, misunderstandings of leisure, lifestyles based on consumption, corporate welfare, education that often amounts to little more than conditioning, and the global social, environmental, and economic crises we are now facing. We hope that the materials we feature here will encourage critical thinking about such things. This site is primarily about ideas and encouragement, so our focus is more philosophical than practical. However, ideas and action go hand-in-hand, so we're currently expanding the "practicality" sections.
Writer Patrick McGaugh calls our
views "extreme." His article asks
"Do you wanna work,
or do you wanna job?"
CLAWS Features
We feature essays, book excerpts and articles by Bob Black, Robert Anton Wilson, Bertrand Russell, Buckminster Fuller, Jean Liedloff and many other inspiring thinkers.
Don't miss our list of unconventional replies to the question "So, what do you do for a living?"
Our spotlight essay of the moment is "We Don't Want Full Employment, We Want Full Lives!" translated by Ken Knabb from the Bureau of Public Secrets.
Books: CLAWS recommends Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller as well as Ishmael and Beyond Civilization by Daniel Quinn as good books to start with which are aligned with the mission and goals of CLAWS. Want to read more? We have an extensive list of book recommendations and will be adding more book reviews soon.

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