
Politics & Media
Dec 29, 2008, 08:46AM

The Right and Tech

The Right should look into hiring some of the people laid off by Yahoo.


My never ending frustration with politics on the right is how D.C. centric it has become. Certainly there is some necessity in that. Oftentimes, however, the right online operates as if the world stops at I-495, the beltway. It’s no small irony that the party of small government operates this way.

DailyKos was started by a guy in California. Same with MoveOn.org. The Obama technology hegemony was and is run out of Chicago. Every major competitive wannabe on the right has been formed by some well meaning conservative and/or Republican inside Washington, D.C.

In fact, RedState is largely unique among those on the right. While we were started in Washington, D.C., we are now run out of a coffee shop and my house in Macon, Georgia. The majority of our readers and the majority of our front page contributors do not reside in Washington, D.C., but are spread across the country. Nonetheless, we maintain an address in Washington because the reality is everyone expects us to be there.


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