
On Campus
Jul 08, 2008, 05:37AM

Demand For Online Education Growing

College tuition at traditional four year institutions is skyrocketing while the demand for a degree has never been higher. This combination is putting a lot of pressure on flexible education, including a booming market in online courses.

A growing college student population has led to an increase in demand for more flexibility in higher education, specifically the availability of Internet courses. Major universities, community colleges and for-profit online institutions have risen to the challenge.

More than 67,000 students from the 15 UT System institutions have enrolled in the UT TeleCampus, an online campus for UT students. The TeleCampus offers more than 300 courses in three dozen majors as well as 25 graduate and undergraduate programs.

The TeleCampus was started to increase the quality and accessibility of a UT education and let those who might otherwise not make it to campus participate in UT courses, said Rob Robinson, director of the TeleCampus.

"There are many folks who would like to finish a bachelor's or get a master's degree, but because of kids, ailing parents and work, they can't get to campus," Robinson said.

"I do think online courses are harder than lecture classes," Helmueller said. "In lecture classes, you can be in class but not participate. In online courses, you have to put significant participation within the class, which the professor monitors."


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