
May 02, 2008, 05:35AM

Atlantic Shellfish Know Their Indie Pop

Brooklyn-based band Mussels brought their updated version of the 90s alt-indie heyday to Massachusetts recently, where they were cornered for an interview. Surprising revelation: trying to make it as a band in NYC is tough.

Mussles.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Photo by Bob Martus

"IN: How often do you play shows and who have you played with?

BL: In the past, Mussels has shared the stage with Wolf Parade, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Detachment Kit, The Teeth, Dark Meat, The Forms, Cinemechanica and Old Time Relijun. We usually play a couple times a month in the city.

IN: What's it like creatively to be in such an urban area like New York City?

BL: I don't think we're conscious of it, but I'm sure we push a little harder because we live in NYC. There are so many creative people in the city that many really talented artists go unnoticed. I think we're pretty happy where we slot in right now. I guess in the end you just need to be happy with what you're doing (which should be the case wherever you are) or you could get beaten down by the amount of competition.


Listen to Mussels here.



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